Call for Abstracts

Deadline of Abstract Submission

Monday, April 15, 2024, 17:00 (JST)Friday, May 31, 17:00 (JST)
Monday, June 10, 17:00 (JST)
Call for Abstracts has been closed.

Abstract Submission Eligibility

The first and co-authors do not necessarily have to be JSPFI members.

Presentation Style

Oral or Poster Presentation
* Decisions on acceptance or rejection, presentation format, and presentation program are left to the conference organizer.

Young Investigator Award (YIA)

The Young Investigator Award (YIA) will be given to a presenter under the age of 40. The winner will receive a certificate and an extra prize, so we encourage all applicants to apply.

How to submit an abstract

Please click on the "Abstract Submission" button below to submit your abstract. Abstracts must be submitted in English only.


Category 1 Category 2
【Basic/Clinical】Asthma, Airway Disease CT
【Basic/Clinical】COPD MRI
【Basic/Clinical】Interstitial Lung Disease Nuclear
【Basic/Clinical】Infection AI/CAD
【Basic/Clinical】pulmonary Circulation/Vascular Other Modalities
【Basic/Clinical】Lung Cancer
【Basic/Clinical】Thoracic Malignancy
【Basic/Clinical】Case Report

1:Please click the abstract submission button at the bottom of this page to submit, confirm, or modify your abstract. You may confirm or modify your abstract as you wish by the abstract submission deadline.
2:Please fill in the following items.
・Presentation program (select Category 1 or Category 2, respectively)
・Author(s): Up to 20 co-authors
・Affiliation: Up to 20 affiliations
・Contact information: TEL, E-mail (Mobile phone addresses are not acceptable. Free e-mail addresses may not be received.)
・Abstract Title: Within 100 characters (including spaces)
・Abstract body: Within 250 words
*The number of co-authors is up to 20, and the number of affiliations is up to 20. If the number exceeds the limit, please send an e-mail to the secretariat ( with the abstract submission number, name and affiliation of the submitter(s) and the additional information.
3:Once you have completed your abstract submission, a registration completion e-mail containing your submission details will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you have registered with. Please confirm the information you have submitted. This email will serve as a notification that your abstract has been received.
Please be sure to register the e-mail address of the affiliated institution, etc., because free e-mail addresses may not be received.
* If you do not receive a registration completion e-mail within one day after completing your abstract submission, your submission may not have been completed. Please check your registered e-mail address on the confirmation and correction screen of the abstract submission system, and if there is no mistake, please contact the secretariat before the deadline for abstract submission.
4:Decisions on acceptance or rejection, presentation format, and presentation program are left to the conference organizer. The acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be notified to the submitter by e-mail and will be posted on the website.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

Please only list the name of the company/organization with which you have a conflict of interest, if any.
It is not necessary to state the details, or the amount of money involved.
In oral presentations, please present it on the second slide, and in posters, please present it at the end.

Abstract Submission

For inquiries regarding abstract submission

Congress Secretariat for Joint Meeting of JSPFI and IWPFI 2024
JTB Corp. Western Japan MICE Branch